A seminar on the geohistory of Galicia (1772-1918)


A seminar on the geohistory of Galicia (1772-1918)



Welcome to the site of the research platform "A seminar on the geohistory of Galicia (1772-1918)", i.e. a scientific group carrying out innovative, interdisciplinary research of an international significance on the geohistory of the 19th century Galicia. The project shall be realised through 24 months and combine source, methodological and workshop achievements of history, social-economic geography and spatial management.

The initiator of the platform is a group of Jagiellonian University employees, who shall cooperate with Polish and foreign scientists undertaking research on the history of Galicia and environmental history. The cooperation shall take on the form of regular seminars, open lectures and one academic conference. The main result of the platform works shall be a joint publication in English and establishing an Internet portal. The platform shall contribute to integrating the community of scientists - researchers on Galicia, creating an international interdisciplinary research team and thus increasing the level of innovativeness and interdisciplinarity of the research on the history of the Austrian Partition.

The project has been financed and realised in the 1st edition of the competition "Research platforms and research teams in the Heritage Priority Research Area".

The projects has been realised by the History Department of the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the JU Institute of Geography and Spatial Management and the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv.