
"The seminar on the geohistory of Galicia (1772-1918) was established by an interdisciplinary team of international scientists undertaking research on the history of Galicia, historical geography and environmental history.

The first group of collaborators includes initiators responsible for establishing the platform. The team consists of 6 employees of the Jagiellonian University, including four historians (Prof. Michał Baczkowski, Dr. Krzysztof Ślusarek, Dr. Tomasz Kargol, Prof. JU and Dr. Adam Świątek) and two geographers from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management (dr Krzysztof Ostafin, dr Jarosław Działek). The aforementioned group of scientists will coordinate the work of the platform.

The second group consists of regular collaborators of the platform who confirmed their participation in its work. This group includes scientists from Poland, Austria, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, historians, geographers and archivists. Expersts to be found in the second group are: prof. Christoph Augustynowicz (University of Vienna), Dr. Klemens Kaps (Johanes Kepler University Linz), Dr. Jindřich Frajer (Palacký University Olomouc), Dr. Volodymyr Dolinovskyi (Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv), Dr. Roman Masyk (Ivan Franki National University of Lviv), Dr. Rostyslav Melnyk (National University of "Lviv Polytechnic" in Lviv), Dr. hab. Elżbieta Bilska-Wodecka (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Jagiellonian University), dr hab. Izabela Sołjan (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Jagiellonian University), dr Justyna Liro (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Jagiellonian University), dr hab. Grzegorz Zamoyski, prof. PRz (Rzeszów University of Technology), dr Joachim Popek (University of Rzeszów), mgr Anna Miklar (participant of the doctoral school at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Jagiellonian University), Dr. Łukasz Jewuła (3rd Secondary School in Tarnów).

dr hab. Tomasz Kargol
dr hab. Tomasz Kargol

is a historian, doctor habilitated, professor of the Jagiellonian University, an employee of History Institute of the Jagiellonian University. His research interest cover widely-understood social-economic history of the Polish lands in the 19th and the 20th centuries and the history of the Austrian partition (Galicia), with particular focus on economic self-government, the country, Polish landed gentry, economic aspects of the World War I, towns of Galicia, and sources for the history of Galicia in archives and libraries of Poland, Austria and Ukraine. His academic achievements include several monographs, several critical editions to sources and several dozen of articles in magazines (among others, in "Kwartalnik Historyczny", "Przegląd Historyczny", "Zeszyty Naukowe UJ. Prace Historyczne") and joint publications. The latter include publications on Galicia: Odbudowa Galicji ze zniszczeń wojennych w latach 1914-1918, Kraków 2012, Miasta i miasteczka wschodniej części Galicji pod koniec XVIII wieku, T. V: Rzymskokatolickie instytucje religijne w miastach Galicji, Przełom XVIII i XIX wieku, Kraków-Lwów 2020.

Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Działek
Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Działek

is a doctor habilitated in social-economic geography and spatial management, a lecturer in the Department of Regional Development at the Jagiellonian University Institute of Geography and Spatial Management. He is a graduate of the faculty of geography and sociology of the Jagiellonian University. His research interests currently focus on the dynamics of modern and historical artistic phenomena: functioning artistic places within urban and extra-urban areas, artistic centres development and artists' routes of migration. In 2021 he published his monograph: "Geografia sztuki. Struktury przestrzenne zjawisk i procesów artystycznych" ("Geography of art. Spatial structures of artistic phenomena and processes"). He is also the author or co-author of over 50 publications on diversity of social capital in Poland, the significance of the institution of culture in creating and enhancing of social capital and the role of social support in readiness and reaction to natural disasters.

dr Krzysztof Ślusarek
dr Krzysztof Ślusarek

is a doctor habilitated, employee of the History Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His research interests concentrate on the social-economic history of the 18th-20th century with particular focus on the following issues: social and civilisation transformations in Poland in the 18th and 19th century (including modernisation of local communities); history of towns and townsmen in the 19th century; peasantry, nobility and landed gentry in the social space of Poland. In recent years he managed three grand research projects: "The manor, the village and the presbytery in the social community of Western Lesser Poland in the years 1772-1815" (NCN, 2012-2015), "Inventory of historical documents on the economy of Galicia in the years 1772-1867 from the archives and libraries of Poland, Austria and Ukraine" (NPRH, 2012-2015), "At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Galician towns and small towns in the Josephinian Cadastre Survey" (NCN, 2017-2020). His major publications of recent years are the following monographs: Jędrzejów w latach 1795-1918. Portret miasta i jego mieszkańców, Jędrzejów 2014; Gospodarka Galicji 1772-1867. Inwentarz materiałów historycznych z archiwów i bibliotek Polski, Austrii i Ukrainy, t. 1-5, Kraków 2015-2016 (współautorstwo i redakcja naukowa t. 1-3); Na styku kultur i narodów. Galicyjskie miasta i miasteczka w józefińskim katastrze gruntowym, t. 1-48, Kraków 2018-2020 (redakcja naukowa wszystkich tomów, autorstwo tomów 3, 8, 15, 26, 28, 30, współautorstwo tomu 46); Mieszkańcy Jędrzejowa Anno Domini 1886, Kraków 2019; Miasta i miasteczka wschodniej części Galicji pod koniec XVIII wieku, T. IV: Typologia funkcjonalna miast Galicji. Przełom XVIII i XIX wieku, Kraków - Lwów 2020.

Prof. dr hab. Michał Baczkowski
Prof. dr hab. Michał Baczkowski

is a professor, doctor habilitated, the head of the JU Department of Modern Poland History, a member of the Commission on the History of Wars and Military Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Commission of the Evaluation of Textbooks of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Editorial Committee of the Polish Biographical Dictionary.

His research interests include the military history of Europe in the 18th-20th century with a particular focus on the Habsburg monarchy, the social-economic history of Galicia in 1772-1918, the history of Kraków in the 18th-20th century, biographical writing. His major publications include:

  • W służbie Habsburgów. Polscy ochotnicy w austriackich siłach zbrojnych w latach 1772-1815, Kraków 1998, ss. 143.
  • Pod czarno-żółtymi sztandarami. Galicja i jej mieszkańcy wobec austro-węgierskich struktur militarnych 1868-1914, Kraków 2003, ss. 462.
  • Wojsko austriackie w Krakowie w latach 1796-1809, Kraków 2007, ss. 164.
  • Wojsko polskie w napoleońskim Krakowie, Kraków 2009, ss. 146.
  • W cieniu napoleońskich orłów. Rada Municypalna Krakowa 1810-1815, Kraków 2010, ss. 154.
  • "Szarży podobnej dawno nie widziały dzieje". Ułani galicyjscy 1778-1918, Kraków 2011, ss. 238.
  • Wojna 1866 roku w Galicji i na Śląsku Cieszyńskim, Kraków 2015, ss.101.
  • Galicja a wojsko austriackie 1772-1867, Kraków 2017, ss. 177.
  • Wpływ armii austriackiej na miasta Galicji 1772-1815. Miasta i miasteczka wschodniej części Galicji pod koniec XVIII wieku, Tom VI, Kraków-Lwów 2020, ss. 133.
  • Na styku kultur i narodów. Galicyjskie miasta i miasteczka w józefińskim katastrze gruntowym, tom IV, X, XII, XVI, XXIII, XXXVI, opracował Michał Baczkowski, Kraków 2018-2010.

dr Krzysztof Ostafin
dr Krzysztof Ostafin

is a doctor, geographer, lecturer in the Department of Geographical Information Systems, cartography and Remote Sensing at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He is interested in landscape changes while using various sources of geographical data such as maps, aerial and satellite photos using the GIS and land works. His areas of activity are mainly in the Carpathian Mountains and Spitsbergen. He visits the Carpathian Mountains on a daily basis, while he participated in two research expeditions to Spitsbergen in 2005 and 2016. He published his works in Polish and foreign magazines, such as Studia Geohistorica, Polish Cartographical Review, Ambio, Scientific Data, Journal of Maps, Earth System Science Data, Landscape and Urban Planning.

Adam Świątek
Adam Świątek

Ph.D. - assistant professor in the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University. He deals with the history of Poles and Ruthenians in the nineteenth century, with particular emphasis on the issues of shaping national identity, moreover, he is interested in the history of the press and biographical studies. Since 2017, he has been the contractor of the National Science Centre project entitled "Between Two Congresses in Prague: Relations among the Slavs in Central and South-Eastern Europe in 1848-1908" (head: prof. Antoni Cetnarowicz). As part of the project, he analyzes Slavic issues in the light of Polish and Ukrainian historiography and studies the history of Congresses of Slavic Journalists in the Habsburg Monarchy. In the years 2020-2021, he carried out the research activity 'Miniatura' of the National Science Center entitled "'Polish Ruthenian journalists' in the Galician press in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries", the aim of which was to recognize the works of Polish journalists of Ruthenian origin in the Galician press. He is the editor-in-chief of the "Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe" academic journal, secretary of the Commission on Eastern Europe of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the Polish-Slovak Committee of Historians of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Society of Researchers and Enthusiasts of 19th Century History. He is the author of the monographs: Lach serdeczny: Jan Matejko a Rusini, and Gente Rutheni, natione Poloni: Z dziejów Rusinów narodowości polskiej w Galicji (Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka 2014). The latter, thanks to the support of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities, was published in English in Canada: Gente Rutheni, natione Poloni: The Ruthenians of the Polish Nationality in Habsburg Galicia, transl. by Guy Russell Torr, preface by Frank E. Sysyn (Edmonton-Toronto-Cracow: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press-Księgarnia Akademicka 2019).